The activities of INDanube address the following target groups:
1) Vessel & Fleet Operators, Transport Users and Logistics Services Providers: these sector organisations form the main target group and are in the focus of INDanube information and support activities. The inclusion of the transport users and logistics service providers comes from the needs to apply innovation along the entire logistics chain in order to maximize the benefit of innovation and form a pre-condition for several areas of innovation;
2) Public Authorities & Administrations, EC Institutions: these organisations set the regulatory framework for IWT by providing infrastructure, laws and rules and support/public funding schemes. INDanube seeks close cooperation in order to improve the overall framework for innovation in IWT. Special and close relation is kept with EC services to maximise the use of EU programs for IWT innovation actions;
3) Media and wider public: INDanube also addresses key stakeholders in these areas in order to disseminate success stories and good practice into the IWT, logistics and manufacturing sector. In addition, its information activities shall raise awareness, change the picture of the IWT sector as laid back sector in line with the innovation success stories but shall also positively influence the opinion of key policy makers as well as of wider public.