EU Presidency – RIS Corridor Management Stakeholder Symposium
24 October 2018
Purpose of Conference: Presenting RIS COMEX & developing Roadmap for further digitalization of inland waterway transport
RIS COMEX aims at realizing Corridor Management for River Information Services (RIS), i.e. exchanging information services across borders among waterway authorities, waterway users and related logistic partners in order to optimize route planning, voyage planning, transport management and traffic management which are at present available in fragments. The final aim is to improve both the performance of inland shipping in logistics and the use of the existing infrastructure.
The CEF RIS COMEX project is a strong demonstration of
- EU-wide cooperation among waterway authorities and users covering the complete connected TEN-T core network of waterways
- how harmonizing digitalization along the waterways can lead to a better integration in the supply chain and towards increased multimodality.
- Presentation of interim results of the EU RIS COMEX project with the aim of further harmonization of electronic River Information Services for authorities and commercial users
- Showcases of ongoing developments
- Interactive discussions on the Digital Roadmap for implementation with experts as well as policy makers, sector and business representatives
- A forward look on next developments for inland shipping into multimodal logistics
Target audience: Business industry representatives, EU policy makers, representatives of the national ministries of transport, waterway administrations
The event is a nice opportunity to address the audience on the EU plans on digital transport and logistics, multimodality, synchro modality and how EU digitalization initiatives will foster this and as well as creating additional impetus towards cross-border digitalization.
Date | 24 October 2018 |
Time | 9:30 – 17:00 |
Venue | Hilton Danube Hotel Handelskai 269 1020 Vienna Austria |
Contact | E: riscomex.conference2018(a) |
Agenda & registration link. |