Seed Money Facility Event (DTP)
27 September 2017
Danube Transnational Programme organises the event about the Seed Money Facility (SMF) on 27th September 2017 in Vienna (Austria).
Seed Money Facility (SMF) is a funding opportunity provided by the Danube Transnational Programme to support the development of projects in line with the 12 Priority Areas of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. With Seed Money support, projects can be prepared for further funding source, regardless the financial instrument to be addressed by the project developed, be it national, mainstream EU, transnational or cross border or by any other public or private investor (such as IFIs) or public-private partnership.
During the Seed Money Facility Event, information will be given about:
- Danube Transnational Programme and EUSDR
- Seed Money Facility in general
- Seed Money Facility call for proposal in particular (rules and procedures) – expected to be launched in autumn 2017
- TOPICS ADDRESSED by the Seed Money Facility call
- Existing financing opportunities for different topics
Around 150 stakeholders, decision-makers and potential partners, representing national, regional and local authorities, as well as other relevant actors interested in the Seed Money Facility, are expected to participate in the event. Participants will have the opportunity to meet and share their visions for potential project ideas with both EUSDR and funding programme representatives.
Date | 27 September 2017 |
Time | 9.00 – 16.30 |
Venue | Haus der Europäischen Union Wipplingerstraße 35 1010 Vienna Austria |
Further information can be found here |