RIS Week & Common Issues Meeting

The upcoming RIS Week will be hosted by the Slovak Waterborne Transport Development Agency and the Slovak Ministry of Transport and Construction in Bratislava (Slovakia), from 20 to 24 November 2017.

The main theme of the Common Issues Meeting on 22 November 2017 will be “how EU co-financed projects contribute to the deployment of River Information Services on the TEN-T network”, and will include updates on the strategic developments (from EC representatives and other experts), national initiatives to deploy RIS, harmonisation of administrative processes in the Danube Region, advanced tool-supported analysis of Inland AIS data, a discussion forum of the RIS Expert Groups dedicated to the RIS Index, a report on the Evaluation of Inland AIS implementation on the Rhine, intermediate results of PIANC InCom permanent Working Group 125.

Registration will start in the beginning of September 2017. Make sure to mark your calendar and save the date now!

Date 22 November 2017
Venue Hotel Devín, a.s.
Riečna 4
811 02 Bratislava
E: www.hoteldevin.sk/en
Contact viadonau (event support)
Mario Sattler
T: + 43 50 4321 1613
E: risweek@viadonau.org
ARVD (local organizer)
Marek Novák
T: +421 2 594 94 543
M: +421 918 460 829
E: marek.novak@arvd.gov.sk
Further information can be found here