New EU funding opportunity – as well for inland waterborne transport
Published: May 18, 2018

The 450 MEUR call was published on 17 May supporting the priorities of the 3rd mobility package towards zero emissions, congestion and accidents through technological innovation. Projects on road safety, digitalisation and multimodality have to support the goals of safe, clean, connected and automated transport. Deadine for submission: 24 October. The call is opened for proposals addressing these priorities:
- Rail interoperability
- European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS)
Indicative available funding: € 100 million
- Safe and secure infrastructure
- Innovation and new technologies
Indicative available funding: €200 million
- Intelligent Transport Services for road (ITS)
- River Information Services (RIS)
- Multimodal logistics platforms
Indicative available funding: €150 million
Contact the experts from INDanube for the advice on funding of your project: