Successful project applications in the Danube Transnational Programme

The Monitoring Committee of the Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) approved with conditions 55 projects among the 91 proposals submitted during the 2nd step of the 1st Call. After the condition clearing process of these projects, the final list of approved projects will be decided by the Monitoring Committee on 8 December 2016. The updated list of final approved projects will be published on the DTP website consequently.

Both DANTE and DAPhNE project proposals initiated by Pro Danube were approved for funding. These are important elements of the implementation of the Green Deal for Danube River Transport. DANTE aims at identifying and eliminating administrative barriers for IWT on the Danube and its navigable tributaries based on private sector proposals and implemented in a cooperative working process with responsible authorities. DAPhNE aims to facilitate a balanced development of Danube ports as eco-friendly, well-accessible multi-modal hubs for the transport system of the region and to turn Danube ports into economic centres that function as catalysts for economic growth and creation of high value jobs.

The projects will start beginning of 2017 and the foreseen activities will be implemented over a period of 30 months.